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  • Interactive Learning
  • Engaging expert-led sessions
  • Tailored training solutions
  • Ideal for small to large groups
  • Onsite/In-house virtual instructor-led
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PMP® Certification Training Course Overview

The PMP Certification Training Course is designed for professionals seeking to enhance their Project Management skills. With globally recognized certification, this course equips delegates with the methodologies and best practices essential for successful project delivery. Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification demonstrates proficiency in managing projects effectively, ensuring they meet organizational goals and stakeholder expectations.

Proficiency in this PMP Certification Training is crucial for maintaining project timelines, budgets, and quality standards. Professionals such as Project Managers, Team Leaders, and those aspiring to leadership roles should master this certification to excel in their careers. Having PMP Certification enhances individual competency and increases the organization's credibility.

This 5-days intensive PMP Certification Training provides delegates with a comprehensive understanding of PMP® concepts, tools, and techniques. It prepares them for the PMP® exam with focused content, real-life scenarios, and expert guidance. Delegates will gain insights into Project Management processes, enabling them to apply these principles effectively in their work environments.

Course Objectives

  • To understand the PMP® Certification requirements and exam structure
  • To learn Project Management processes and knowledge areas
  • To develop skills for initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing projects
  • To gain proficiency in using Project Management tools and techniques
  • To master risk management and quality control strategies
  • To improve communication and stakeholder management

After completing the PMP Certification Course, delegates will be prepared to take the PMP® exam, gaining a certification that enhances their Project Management capabilities and career prospects. This PMP Certification validates their expertise, making them valuable assets to any organization.

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Skills You'll Gain with PMP® Certification Training Course

Our training equips you with essential skills for professional growth, including effective collaboration, strategic planning, continuous improvement, and the ability to deliver high-quality results across various fields.
  • Understanding of Core Concepts
  • Effective Team Collaboration
  • Strategic Planning Techniques
  • Continuous Improvement Practices
  • Delivering High-Quality Results
  • Stakeholder Engagement Strategies
  • Risk Management Techniques
  • Analytical Tools and Metrics for Success

Lesson 1: Business Environment 

Topic A: Foundation 

  • Project
  • Evolution of Project Management
  • Project Management Office (PMO)
  • OPM: A System for Value Delivery 
  • Projects, Programs, Portfolios
  • Organizational Structures
  • Project Management Principles
  • Agile 
  • Agile Manifesto for Software Development
  • Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto
  • Agile: The “Far Side” of Adaptive Approaches
  • Tailor Projects to Contexts
  • Tailor Hybrid Approaches, Processes, Practices and Methods 

Topic B: Strategic Alignment 

  • PMI Talent Triangle®
  • Strategic Alignment and Business Management Skills 
  • Organizational Influences 
  • Get to Know the External Business Environment 
  • Internal Business Environment Factors
  • OPAs and EEFs 
  • Activity

Topic C: Project Benefits and Value 

  • Business Value 
  • Examine Business Value
  • Types of Business Value
  • Needs Assessment 
  • Business Documents
  • Benefit Measurement Methods 
  • Project Selection Using Present Value (PV) and Net Present Value (NPV)
  • How OKRs Help Deliver Business Value? 
  • Incremental Value Delivery

Topic D: Organizational Culture and Change Management 

  • Change Management
  • Manage Organizational Change Impacts on Projects
  • Get to Know Organizational Cultures and Styles 
  • Risk, Culture and Change in Organizations
  • Change Management Framework
  • Actions to Support Change 
  • Plan for Change

Topic E: Project Governance 

  • Project Governance
  • Governance in Adaptive Projects 
  • Governance Board 
  • Governance Defines Escalation Procedures 
  • Governance and Life Cycles 
  • Project Phases
  • Apply Governance to Predictive Project Phases 

Topic F: Project Compliance 

  • Compliance
  • Compliance Requirements 
  • Compliance Categories Classification 
  • Compliance Threats 
  • Treat Compliance as a Project Objective
  • Best Practice 
  • Activity

Lesson 2: Start Project 

  • Topic A: Identify and Engage Stakeholders 
  • Typical Project Stakeholders
  • Stakeholder and Communications Management
  • Stakeholder Identification
  • Assess Stakeholders
  • Create the Stakeholder Register
  • Know Your Stakeholders
  • Directions of Influence
  • Salience Model
  • Stakeholder Perceptions
  • Capture Stakeholder Feedback and Perceptions
  • Plan to Communicate with Stakeholders
  • Communication Requirements Analysis
  • Communication Methods and Technologies
  • Communication Methods
  • Communication Challenges and Considerations
  • Communication Model
  • Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

Topic B: Form the Team 

  • Create a Collaborative Team Culture
  • Project Team Formation  
  • Project Manager Role in Adaptive Teams
  • Hybrid Team Formation
  • Project Team Composition
  • Project Team Roles
  • Identify Project Resource Requirements
  • T-Shaped People and Self-Organizing Teams
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Standards
  • Experts and Expert Judgment
  • Focus on Team Strengths
  • Team Norms
  • PMI® Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
  • Team Charter and Ground Rules
  • Team Communication
  • Co-located, Virtual or Both?
  • Virtual Team Challenges
  • Running Virtual Teams
  • Address Virtual Team Member Needs

Topic C: Build Shared Understanding 

  • Seek Consensus for the Project Among the Team and Stakeholders
  • Building a Shared Understanding
  • Project Vision Statement
  • Holistic Understanding of the Project
  • How to Create Holistic Understanding of the Project
  • Refer to Business Case and Business Needs
  • Negotiate and Agree on Project Success Criteria
  • Help Everyone Understand the Vision
  • Got Agreement on the Project Agreements?
  • Project Charter

Topic D: Project Approach 

  • First, Understand How and Why Approaches Differ
  • Tailored Development Approaches
  • Project or Product?
  • Life Cycle and Development Approach
  • Predictive Life Cycle
  • Adaptive Life Cycle
  • Cadence
  • Development Approach and Life Cycle Terminology
  • Hybrid Life Cycle and Development Approach
  • Hybrid Project Approaches
  • What Can Be Tailored?
  • Development Approaches
  • Assess Complexity
  • Suitability Filter
  • Scrum
  • Scrum Ceremonies
  • Agile Ceremonies

Lesson 3: Plan the Project 

Topic A: Planning Projects 

  • Planning Starts with a Project Management Plan
  • Project Documents
  • Collaborative Planning

Topic B: Scope 

  • Adaptability and Resilience in Planning
  • MVP or MBI?
  • Product Roadmap
  • Milestones
  • Requirements
  • Document Requirements
  • Requirements Management Plan
  • Types of Requirements
  • Collect Requirements Process
  • Data Gathering
  • Represent Data
  • Context Diagrams
  • Prototyping
  • Scope Management Plan
  • Project Scope Statement
  • Scope Planning
  • Create the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  • Decompose Work in the WBS
  • WBS Dictionary
  • Scope Baseline
  • Don’t Forget to Plan for Transitions / Handovers
  • Scope Planning in Adaptive Environments
  • Release and Iteration Planning
  • Backlogs
  • User Stories, Story Maps, Roadmaps
  • Prioritize and Refine the Backlog

Topic C: Schedule 

  • Schedule Management Plan
  • Schedule Management Plan Components
  • Start with Benchmarks and Historical Data
  • Hybrid Schedules
  • Predictive Schedule Planning
  • Break Down Project Activities
  • Activity Dependency Types
  • Precedence Relationships
  • Activity Duration Estimate Terminology
  • Critical Path Method
  • Network Diagram with Date and Dependencies
  • Project Schedule
  • Schedule Presentation Formats
  • Resource Optimization
  • Schedule Compression Techniques
  • Schedule Baseline
  • Special Intervals
  • Schedule Management in Adaptive Environments
  • Working with Features
  • Agile Release Planning
  • Definition of Ready (DoR) and Definition of Done (DoD)
  • Reprioritize Sprint / Iteration Backlog
  • Hybrid Scheduling Models

Topic D: Resources 

  • Resource Management Plan
  • Assign Resources and Allocate Responsibilities
  • Use Resource Calendars
  • Responsibility Assignment Tools
  • Adaptive Resource Planning
  • Filling Resource Needs
  • Plan the Procurement Strategy
  • Procurement Management Plan
  • Procurement Documents
  • Formal Procurement Processes
  • Source Selection Criteria
  • Qualified Vendors
  • Contracts
  • Types of Contracts
  • Components of Contracts

Topic E: Budget 

  • Budget Planning
  • Predictive Budget Planning
  • Check with Organization
  • Historical Data
  • Project Budget
  • Budget Considerations

Topic F: Risks 

  • Risk
  • Project Risks
  • Create Risk Strategy
  • Define and Refine Risk Management Approach
  • Inherent Risk
  • Risk Identification Techniques
  • Risk Breakdown Structure
  • Assess Risks
  • Probability and Impact Matrix
  • Quantitative Risk Analysis Methods
  • Risk Response
  • Plan Risk Response
  • Risk Response Strategies

Topic G: Quality 

  • Quality
  • Stakeholder and Customer Expectations of Quality
  • Quality Management Plan
  • Compliance Requirements
  • Quality Standards and Regulations
  • Discussion
  • Quality Metrics, Checklists, and Processes
  • Quality Methods for Continuous Improvement

Topic H: Integrate Plans 

  • Integrating Plans
  • Change Control
  • Plan for Complexity and Change
  • How to Approach Complex Plans?

Lesson 4: Lead the Project Team

Topic A: Craft Your Leadership Skills 

  • Power Skills
  • Guidelines for Developing Inclusive Leadership Competencies
  • Leadership Skills and Competencies
  • Interpersonal and Team Skills
  • Leadership Styles
  • Leadership Management
  • Servant Leadership
  • Adopt a Growth Mindset
  • Team Building
  • Balance Team Tone with Sense of Urgency
  • Virtual Team Member Engagement
  • Virtual Team Best Practice

Topic B: Create a Collaborative Project Team Environment 

  • Where and How the Team Works?
  • “Agile” Space for Hybrid Teams
  • Work Information Management Systems
  • Information Storage and Distribution Good Practices
  • Standardize Artifacts
  • Tailor Artifacts
  • Maintain Artifacts
  • Version Control

Topic C: Empower the Team 

  • Empowerment, Unity, Autonomy
  • Support Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)
  • Create Psychological Safety and Embrace Diversity
  • Motivational Theories and Approaches
  • McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
  • Uphold Team Charter and Ground Rules
  • Use Rewards and Recognition
  • Decision-Making
  • Display Task Accountability

Topic D: Support Team Member Performance 

  • Manage and Lead
  • Assess Team Member Performance
  • Performance Assessment Tasks
  • Personality Indicators
  • Use Personality Research to Coach Team Members
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Empathy
  • Social Skills

Topic E: Communicate and Collaborate with Stakeholders 

  • Monitor Stakeholders and Their Engagement
  • Managing Project Communications
  • Reports and Formal Communication
  • How to Collaborate?
  • Use Information Radiators
  • Collaboration Activities
  • Communicate and Collaborate to Negotiate
  • Meetings
  • Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix (SEAM)

Topic F: Training, Coaching and Mentoring 

  • Foster a Knowledge-Sharing Culture
  • How to Acquire Required Competencies?
  • Plan for Training, Coaching and Mentoring
  • Know the Value of Training, Coaching and Mentoring
  • Training, Coaching and Mentoring Discussion
  • Elements of Training
  • Coach Teams and Individuals in Project Management
  • Self-Organizing Teams Collaborate and Learn
  • Measure Training Outcomes
  • Maintain Mentorships

Topic G: Manage Conflict 

  • Why Conflict Management Matters?
  • Causes of Conflict
  • Conflict as Part of Team Culture
  • How to Handle Conflict?

Lesson 5: Support Project Team Performance  

Topic A: Implement Ongoing Improvements 

  • Continuous Improvement (CI)
  • Kaizen
  • Assess Current CI Methods
  • Conduct Retrospectives
  • Improve Your Improvement Methods
  • Update Processes and Standards
  • Interactive/Discussion
  • Lead with an Improvement Mindset

Topic B: Support Performance 

  • Project Team Leadership Objectives
  • Manage with Objectives, Tolerances, Thresholds
  • Optimize Communication
  • Use Feedback to Support High Performance
  • Support Team Task Accountability
  • Show Roles and Responsibilities
  • Curate Knowledge as an Asset
  • Incorporate Knowledge Transfer Opportunities
  • Knowledge Management
  • Learn the Right Way to Motivate Your Team
  • Continuously Realign Team Efforts with Value Delivery
  • Check on Artifact Maintenance

Topic C: Evaluate Project Progress 

  • Guidelines to Measuring Performance
  • Report on Performance
  • Schedule Management Tools
  • Visualize Performance
  • Information Radiators
  • Task Board
  • Estimate Velocity
  • Continuous Flow Approaches
  • Budget Challenges
  • Earned Value Management (EVM)
  • EAC/ETC Analysis
  • EVM
  • Manage and Lead Resources
  • Physical Resource Management
  • Update Resource Allocation
  • Handle Contract Changes and Disputes
  • Quality Management Guidelines
  • Quality Audit
  • Control Quality Tools
  • Control Quality Process
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Visualization Quality Tool
  • Ensure Quality of Processes and Product
  • Verify Deliverables
  • Evaluate and Manage Risk
  • Monitor Risks
  • Review Reserves
  • Risk Register
  • Interactive/Discussion
  • Manage Compliance as the Highest Priority
  • Examine Business Value

Topic D: Manage Issues and Impediments 

  • Issue or Impediment? Just Solve the Problem
  • Risks and Issues
  • Issues
  • Issue Resolution
  • Discover and Solve Impediments Using Scrum
  • Remove Impediments
  • Discussion

Topic E: Manage Changes 

  • Interactive and Discussion
  • Causes of Project Changes
  • Be a Changemaker and a Change Leader
  • Monitor the External Business Environment
  • Change Requests
  • Change Control Systems
  • Manage Contract Changes and Resolve Problems
  • Contract Change Control System
  • Types of Contract Changes
  • Legal Concepts When Managing Disputes
  • Process, Adjudicate and Communicate Claims
  • Update Project Management Plan
  • Lesson 6: Close the Project Phase  

Topic A: Project/Phase Closure 

  • Why Projects or Phases Close?
  • Transitions
  • Transition / Handover Readiness
  • Transition / Handover Activities
  • Interactive / Activity
  • Paying and Closing Contracts
  • Finalizing Contracts

Topic B: Benefits Realization 

  • Early and Long-Term Benefits Realization
  • Benefits Management Plan
  • Topic C: Knowledge Transfer 
  • Knowledge Management During Closing
  • Conduct Project Retrospective
  • Finalize Lessons Learned
  • Consolidating Lessons Learned

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Key Highlights of PMP® Certification Training Course


Flexible online and classroom training options available


Access to Interactive study materials and resources


Industry expert instructors with extensive 10+ year experience


Regular feedback and performance assessments throughout training


Post-training support and access to online study groups


Hands-on practice with real-world scenarios


Comprehensive training covering all major topics


Guidance on creating effective study plans and schedules

Ways to take this course

Classroom Training

Face-to-face sessions led by expert instructors, fostering interactive learning experiences and collaboration among delegates.

Onsite Training

Customised courses delivered at your location, tailored to your specific needs and scheduling preferences.

Online Instructor-Led Training

Live virtual classes led by experienced trainers, offering real-time interaction and guidance for optimal learning outcomes.

Online Self-Paced Training

Flexible learning at your own pace, with access to comprehensive course materials and resources available anytime, anywhere.

Course Schedules for PMP® Certification Training Course

Why Consider Obtaining the PMP Certification? PMP® Certification Training Course

growth 40% Higher Attain a More Substantial income

PMP holders enjoy a global median salary of 20% higher than non-certified professionals.

user 25M+ Explore fresh avenues for your career with enhanced credibility

With a projected demand for 25 million new Project Management positions by 2030 and over 2.3 million job openings annually, learning will open up new and promising career paths, putting you at the forefront of this dynamic and growing field.

growth 1.2M Connect with a rapidly expanding community

Join a community of over 1.2 million certification holders worldwide, who have achieved this distinguished credential in Project Management, recognized globally for its excellence and industry relevance.

Your Path to Success

Our comprehensive certification training is designed to guide you step-by-step towards achieving your professional goals. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills or gain new expertise, our structured approach ensures that you master the necessary knowledge and techniques. With expert-led instruction, real-world applications, and continuous support, you’ll be equipped to excel in your field and advance your career with confidence.

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Organize Corporate Group PMP Certification Training for Your Teams Around the World

Our expert-led corporate training is designed to improve your team's skills, ensuring they meet industry standards and enhance their professional growth for better performance.

  • Expert trainers with industry experience
  • Customizable training to fit your needs
  • Boosts team collaboration and efficiency
  • Achieve industry-recognized certification

Achieve the Career You've Always Desired

20 K+

Enrolled students

10 K+

Corporate Clients

10 +

Courses running weekly

Why Learn with us


Propel your career, get qualified and gain your expertise at any level


Gain a Certificate and build a culture of learning that fosters growth and innovation


Flexible Learning with our expert instructors, tailored to your schedule and needs

PMP® Certification Training Course FAQs

What is a PMP Certification?

A PMP Certification is a globally recognized credential for Project Managers, demonstrating expertise in Project Management and the ability to lead and direct projects effectively.

Is PMP Certification worth it?

Yes, PMP Certification is worth it as it enhances career prospects, increases earning potential, and demonstrates high competence in Project Management.

Is the PMP exam hard?

The PMP exam is considered challenging due to its rigorous content and the necessity to understand complex Project Management concepts and apply them in various scenarios.

What is PMP Certification for?

PMP Certification validates a Project Manager's skills, knowledge, and experience, ensuring they can manage projects efficiently and effectively.

What are the benefits of PMP Certification?

The benefits of PMP Certification include improved job prospects, higher earning potential, enhanced skills and knowledge, and recognition as an expert in Project Management.

How long does it take to get a PMP Certification?

The time it takes to get a PMP Certification varies, but it typically involves several months of study and preparation, plus meeting the required Project Management experience and education hours.

Who should attend this PMP Training Course?

This PMP Training Course is ideal for Project Managers, Team Leaders, Project Coordinators, and anyone seeking to advance their career in Project Management by gaining a comprehensive understanding of the PMP framework and enhancing their Project Management skills.

How much salary hike can I expect after completing this PMP Certification Training?

After completing PMP Certification Training, professionals can expect a significant salary increase, often ranging from 20% to 25% more than their non-certified peers.

What are the prerequisites for taking this PMP Training Course?

To attend this PMP Certification Training Course, ensure you meet one of the following sets of requirements: hold a four-year college or university degree, have 36 months of project leadership experience within the past eight years, and complete 35 hours of Project Management education or hold a CAPM® certification.

What is the duration of this PMP Course?

This course takes 5 days to complete during which delegates participate in intensive learning sessions that cover various course topics.        

What is included in this PMP Certification Course?

In this training course, delegates will have intensive training with our experienced instructors, a digital delegate pack consisting of important notes related to this course, and a certificate after course completion.    

How much do PMP professionals earn?

Depending on industry and location, PMP professionals earn significantly higher salaries, often averaging around $110,000 to $120,000 annually.

What is the passing score for PMP Certification?

PMI does not publicly disclose the passing score for PMP Certification, as it uses a psychometric analysis to determine the passing rate for each exam.

Does the PMP Certificate expire?

Yes, the PMP Certificate expires every three years, requiring certified professionals to earn 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) to maintain their certification.

What happens if you fail the PMP exam?

If you fail the PMP exam, you can retake it up to three times within one year of your application approval, with additional fees applicable for each attempt.

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